To preview what to expect at this site -

I’m preparing a guide for setting up a convenient “lab” for bare-metal / systems programming on a Raspberry Pi 3 (amazon). The lab fits in a shoe-box with only one cord to it (for power) and can be used from anywhere in the world. It cost about $170.00 USD new.

The setup has two Raspberry Pis, a “bare-metal” Pi that runs your development code, and another that is a full Linux system accessible over wifi. The two Pis are connected by both an ethernet cable (for PXE booting the bare-metal Pi) and a serial cable (providing IO using the simplest available device to program, UART).

The Raspberry Pi does not have a convenient remote reboot option. I have the Linux Pi reboot the bare-metal Pi (and consequently load new code by PXE) using a WeMo Switch (amazon).

The Linux Pi can be used to compile your bare-metal code, but doesn’t have to. The guide will provide instructions for setting up compiler tool-chains for both aarch32 and aarch64 on the Linux Pi (Raspberry Pi 3 supports both architectures).